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O my Captain, Ocapica

Hello, My name is Christina Tran and I am currently attending Fullerton College as a Communications Major. All I can say is my experience at OCAPICA has been a life changing journey. It may seem out of my reach to say that, but it truly has. I never had much ambition till I joined the program and it was because of the time and effort that the people in OCAPICA made that truly made a difference. I learned how to communicate with people better, found what I wanted to do in the future and live life so passionately every single day. I knew how to handle myself financially and learned many things from OCAPICA like how to manage your budget spending, deciding your major, and networking. It has impacted my college life by guiding me in the right direction, without necessarily deciding what the perfect exact road should be. I made many turns, was indecisive, and experienced failures as well. If it were not for those things, I would not be here today to say that I fully am ready to transfer out of community college with an associate degree and will continue onto a university.

I came into this program very skeptical. I felt like at first maybe this program was just trying to get me on a route where all the “perfect” college students go the same road and graduate the same way. It absolutely was not that, but instead, OCAPICA was my guidance. The scholars that I have formed friendships with also have changed my life as well. We were all there for each other despite our different backgrounds, schools, and dreams. I always looked forward to going to workshops because it was my opportunity to see a glimpse of everyone’s road to success and I could not be any more happier when I see the smile on their faces when they share the good news. We were there for each other when we were upset and our mentors were there for us physically and emotionally. I’ve grown really attached to this program that it is my second home. My extra curricular involvements are Honors Society, Choir and also working at Kohl’s while doing charity with Kohl’s every single week. My words of wisdom for the future Scholars of 2014 and beyond are, it is okay to take your time to figure out what you want to do with your life. What is most important is being surrounded by people who care about your success and want you to achieve greatness in life. It’s the connection of people that takes you to amazing opportunities and for you to step outside of your bubble as well. There is so much adventure out there and that it is always a huge honor when you give back to inspire those that need your guidance as well. Lastly, your own ultimate happiness and dreams will take you far in life, only if you go out there and do so. “Dream your dreams with your eyes closed, but LIVE your dreams with your eyes OPEN”.

– Christina Tran, Scholar 2012